This chapter will go into a detailed discussion of strings, basic operations that you can do strings, asking questions, and using the answers to create interactive programs.

A string is a group of letters, numbers, and symbols surrounded by single or double quotes. The computer does not understand or evaluate the contents of a string, it just treats it as a chunk of stuff. We saw string literals surrounded by quotes and triple quotes in Chapter 1.


Upon completion of this chapter’s exercises, you should be able to:

  • Use the string operators to concatenate and repeat strings to build new strings.
  • Apply the correct type of quite marks around a string.
  • Show the length of a string.
  • Convert strings to numbers and numbers to strings.
  • Use input to ask the user for a value to be used in the program.
  • Employ various string methods to format string output, locate substrings, and replace parts of a string with a new string.
  • Apply the index operator to extract a single character or group of characters from a string.