Text book with total flexibility to teach the class how you want it.
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This book started out as class notes for a summer gifted boot-camp I was asked to do at a local community college. After some reflection, I thought that I could expand the notes to become a teaching outline for an Introduction to Computer Programming course, I teach at Shawnee State University.
Over the last several years it has become a full text for one class and a collection of additional chapters that can be used in several classes (if a student has a basic understanding of Python).
NOTE: some of the later chapters are a single page outlines or contain placeholders where additional information will be added. If there is a chapter with missing or incomplete text, I would appreciate help creating new material or giving me a poke to complete the work.
James M. Reneau Ph.D
The download link is in the small pop-up after you pay. Be sure to save the PDF from your browser before you close out. If you missed it email me at jim@renejm.com and I will email you a copy.
Click on a chapter for full text and other resources, free!
- Front Material – Copyright and Index
- Chapter 0 – What is Python and This Book
- Chapter 1: Arithmetic, Numbers, and Variables
- Chapter 2: Numbering Systems
- Chapter 3: Strings, Input, and Interactive Programs
- Chapter 4: Collections of Data
- Chapter 5: For (Looping)
- Chapter 6: Boolean
- Chapter 7: In, If, Random, and While
- Chapter 8: Reuse of Code
- Chapter 9: Object Oriented Programming
- Chapter 10: Files
- Chapter 11: Date and Time
- Chapter 12: String Encoding
- Chapter 13: Persistent Data
- Chapter 14: Relational Databases using the DB-API 2.0
- Chapter 15: Reading Data from the Web
- Chapter 16: XML
- Chapter 17: JSON
- Chapter 18: Turtle Graphics
- Chapter 19: Better Graphics
- Chapter 20: Using Tkinter to Make Screens
- Bonus Chapter 1: Problem Solving
- Bonus Chapter 2: Flowcharting
- Bonus Chapter 3: The Math Module
- Bonus Chapter 4: Simplification of Boolean Expressions
- Bonus Chapter 5: Using IDLE