A book to teach ANYBODY how to program a computer.
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The original vision for this book was to create a hands-on introduction of computer programming for Middle School and High School students. It has been written without much of the jargon and complexity of many programming books and will be suitable for anybody 10+ who wants to learn to program and is ready to experiment.
Programming a computer is considered by many to be a task that is beyond a typical middle grades learner. I personally know this is not so because, I learned to program my TRS-80 home computer during those years of my life. Programming was different: simpler in that we didn’t need to worry about hard disks, color, or graphics; and harder for the same reasons.
This book attempts to engage through programming media (sound, color, shapes, and text to speech) and then working in the typical concepts of programming (loops, conditions, variables…) to make animations, games, and fun applications. Full source code to example programs are given so that experimentation can really hone the skills learned.
The Third Edition has been updated through version of BASIC-256 and includes functions, subroutines, printing, and many other new features.
James M. Reneau Ph.D
The download link is in the small pop-up after you pay. Be sure to save the PDF from your browser before you close out. If you missed it email me at jim@renejm.com and I will email you a copy.
Click on a chapter for full text and other resources, free!
- Front Material (Third Edition)
- Chapter 1: Meeting BASIC-256 – Say Hello (Third Edition)
- Chapter 2: Drawing Basic Shapes (Third Edition)
- Chapter 3: Variables (Third Edition)
- Chapter 4: Sound and Music (Third Edition)
- Chapter 5: Thinking Like a Programmer (Third Edition)
- Chapter 6: Your Program Asks for Advice (Third Edition)
- Chapter 7: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (Third Edition)
- Chapter 8: Looping and Counting – Do it Again and Again (Third Edition)
- Chapter 9: Custom Graphics – Creating Your Own Shapes. (Third Edition)
- Chapter 10: Functions and Subroutines – Reusing Code. (Third Edition)
- Chapter 11: Mouse Control – Moving Things Around. (Third Edition)
- Chapter 12: Keyboard Control – Using the Keyboard to Do Things. (Third Edition)
- Chapter 13: Images, WAVs, and Sprites (Third Edition)
- Chapter 14: Printing (Third Edition)
- Chapter 15: Arrays – Collections of Information (Third Edition)
- Chapter 16: Mathematics – More Fun With Numbers (Third Edition)
- Chapter 17: Working with Strings (Third Edition)
- Chapter 18: Files – Storing Information For Later (Third Edition)
- Chapter 19: Stacks, Queues, Lists, and Sorting (Third Edition)
- Chapter 20: Runtime Error Trapping (Third Edition)
- Chapter 21: Database Programming (Third Edition)
- Chapter 22: Connecting with a Network (Third Edition)
- Back Material: Appendix (Third Edition)
- BASIC-256 – Translations and Older Editions
Wow! What a walk down memory lane. I was sharing with my boys how I would have been a better math student had I had a computer when I was in junior high school. We had Commodore PET 2001’s and even an Apple II+ once I got into high school. BASIC was the language we all used and games were our favourite. Of course, we had to write them to play them and shared all of our code!
Thinking on those days I thought to see what I could find online to learn BASIC all over again…and teach my sons to program too. Low and behold I found you!
Amazingly, I remembered enough BASIC to write a program on the first run of BASIC-256!
Looking forward to learning what I really wanted to learn all those years ago.
Thank you!
Dear James M, Reneau
His absolutely extraordinary Basic-256 programming book, especially the pedagogy used. I had already liked the table of contents; and indeed, the book is superb. Honestly, congratulations on the great service you provide to those of us who have chosen this programming language.
I think that either I did something wrong, or I didn’t do what I should do. Let me explain: when making the payment of $ 0.99, the PC promp appeared on the table of contents of the book. At the end, there was all the content of the book. I was flipping through it. Some time later I turned off the computer.
When trying to access the content of the book again, I find that I cannot. I click on the address “http://sy21.org/? Id = 407”, but the book does not appear, the promp keeps blinking indefinitely. I ask:
1º) .- What do I have to do to access the book again?
2º) .- What exactly I have to do to download it in PDF?
Again, and from Spain, thank you very much for this magnificent book.
Kind regards: Delfin
I have emailed you a copy. You should have saved the PDF from your browser once you download it. I will add that note to the page.
I wish to write a program in BASIC language for “tour of knight on chessboard” using backtracking.
Please write a sample program using backtracking if it is possible to do so in BASIC.
If it is not possible then improve the BASIC language accordingly.
Warm regards,
Awani Kumar
That should be very possible in BASIC256. Functions allow recursion. Set the board up as a two dimensional array. Store if the Knight has visited a cell.
Hi, I was an instructor in a school and used basic256 to make games and activities.
I made tutorials class by class (in spanish) where my students can follow the programs and get more data.